December 19, 2009

Where are files stored in Linux

Root or "/" contains operating system and maintentece tools.

/usr contains all commands, libraries, documentation and other files that do not change during operation. (Major applications that come with your distribution of Linux will also be found here)

/var contains files that are modified/changed. log files, lock files, spool directories, temporary files, and man pages.

/home contains all of the user files. This includes the users settings, customized files, documents, data, e-mail, and more.)

/proc contains 'fake' files. These files don't exist on the disk and don't take up any disk space. (ls -l still shows a size) When you view them you are really accessing information stored in memory. These are used to access information about the system.

Parts of root filesystem

/bin--executables (binaries) needed during bootup that might be used by normal users.

/sbin--executables (system binaries) not intended for use by general users (users may still use them, but this directory is not on their PATH).

/etc--system-wide configuration files for your operating system.

/root--the home directory of the system administrator (called super-user or root).

/dev--device files. Devices appear on Linux as files so that hardware is abstracted and it is easy to write to them or read from them.

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