December 19, 2009

Mailman and WHM's "limit mail sends per hour"

I was looking into something else and spotted this code in

open(CF,"/var/cpanel/cpanel.config"); while() { next if (/^#/); s/\n//g; my($var,$value) = split(/=/, $_); if ($var eq "maxemailsperhour") { $maxmails = int($value); } } close(CF); open(CPM,"/var/cpanel/maxemails"); while() { s/\n//g; my($mdomain,$mmax) = split(/=/); if ($mdomain eq $domain) { $maxmails = int($mmax); } } close(CPM);

The first open is getting the maxemailsperhour that you have set in WHM. The second open is the interesting one. It's opening a file /var/cpanel/maxemails and reading in domain=number pairs. If the domain for the email matches then the number overrides the WHM one.

So, if you want to exempt a domain from maxemailsperhour, create that file and put in it:

If you just want to set a higher limit for a domain (or different domains), use:

Not tried it, but the code is there to use it

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