December 19, 2009

Access Spambox

So you are running SpamAssasin and you want to make sure some important e-mail isn't being blocked.
Easy enough... or it should be if you new where / how to check your spam box. Spam Box is where
SpamAssasin stores all the denied/blocked spam emails. You have access to this for every single
e-mail account. You can access Spam Box through WebMail and programs such as MS Outlook.

Accessing SpamBox through WebMail

1. Load up your favorite internet browser.
Type: in the address bar.
(replace with 'your' domain name)

2. Select "NEO Mail" from the options.

3. Once logged in click the drop down menu in the top left.

4. Select 'SPAM' from the drop down menu.

Everything in here was mail that you never received at your address because it was considerd spam.
That's why it is now in the Spam Box.

Access Spam Box through OutLook Express

1. Setup a new POP3 account in OutLook Express.
Tools --> Accounts --> Add --> Mail

2. Instead of just doing username@domain do this

3. Finish setting up the account like normal.

That's it, now you will grab all the spam too. It is suggested to make all this mail
go into another folder so that you do not fill up your inbox with hundreds of spam.

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